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Sweet shoot 

For this shoot I used soft boxes to highlight the colours of the sweets, I did not use full high key studio lighting as I did not want to make the shoot to bright and overbearing. In most photographs I have used a wider aperture in order to attempt to put every sweet within the photographs into focus. I used a shutter speed of 1/125 for this shoot and I also used my white balance to attempt to create a warm tone to my photographs. Within each photograph I used composition and space to create different patterns to show the viewer of my photographs different aspects of each sweet and to show how they look together versus how they look individually to capture their detail. By capturing this detail I have also been able to capture the texture of some of the sweets so that viewers can see each aspect of the sweets in depth and feel as if they can imagine how the sweets would feel too. 

The photograph above created by an individual on pinterest was my inspiration for this shoot as it is so brightly coloured. In order to create my own flare on this style of photography I picked a colour theme for the shoot and I composed my still life objects in a neater way than within the photograph that inspired me. 

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