In order to complete this shoot I travelled to London in order to obtain multiple different aspects of both bold and subtle colour within a daily environment. On this day however, there was minimal lighting so I had to use a high ISO and a wide aperture in order to brighten the photographs as I only had natural lighting for most photographs. This also meant that the majority of my photographs from this shoot had a wide depth of field and were in focus. I used a shutter speed of 1/125 for this shoot and in some photographs displayed a cold white balance due to the darkness of some shadows. Throughout this shoot I attempted to capture high levels of contrasting tone, lines and fill the majority of the space within the frame.

When creating this shoot I used this photographer as inspiration to create highly saturated coloured photographs in a city environment. I therefore took photographs of everyday structures in London to capture structures in the moment to capture candid photographs such as this. I therefore completely saturated some photographs to highlight the colour within the everyday environment.